Can You Afford To Work?

Enter your monthly expenses below:

  1. Taxes (Federal, State, Local, Social Security, Medicare):
  2. Daycare Expenses:
  3. Transportation Expenses (Gas, commuting, toll, parking, 2nd car, reliable car, etc):
  4. Clothing/Grooming (dry cleaning, professional clothing, manicures, etc):
  5. Work social events (special friends, pools etc):
  6. Dining Out (lunch, dinners, going out with friends, etc):
  7. Extras costs for not doing-it-yourself (cleaning service, hired help for repairs, lack of time to research cheaper prices, etc):
  8. Miscellaneous Expenses (items purchased for a friend, vending machines, lattes, etc):

Now enter the expected GROSS monthly income:   

Actual monthly income after paying work-related expenses:

If you would like to increase your monthly take home pay, then please get back to the person who led you here...They can show you how simple it really is to turn your home into a tax shelter and increase your monthly take home pay just by utilizing a home-based business.

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